Wednesday 9 January 2013

How To Treat Glaucoma

How to treat Glaucoma is still be questioning by some people. People with glaucoma find it’s hard and risky to find how to treat glaucoma since it can cause blindness, not only for adults but also for children. What is glaucoma? Glaucoma is a condition when the liquid inside the eye ball called aqueous humor become stop flowing. When it happens, it caused pressure inside the eye ball grow and then damaged the vessel that distribute blood to important part of eyes called retina which projected the light that come to eyes. When the vessel damaged, it can harms the vision and caused the blindness.

How to treat Glaucoma in Natural Way

Glaucoma can be treated in two ways, using surgery or doing it naturally.  First way, using surgery called LASIK surgery. LASIK surgery actually used not only for glaucoma, but also for other eye surgery, such as surgery for myopia, hypermethrop, astigmatism, and night vision problems. LASIK surgery use laser to correct and fix the damage that caused by glaucoma. Beside it’s so risky and expensive,   the surgery also have other side-effect. It has high risk of high regression that can affect the vision in the future. But it’s a method that quite quick to treat glaucoma to not become worse.

Other option to treat glaucoma is do it in natural way. This section will talking how to treat glaucoma naturally. Treating glaucoma can be done in such an easy way without using much money. But one important point for this method is this method need continuity and needs the consistence to obey the way it works. How to treat glaucoma in natural way? One of my favorite is by doing diet. We have to maintain the nutrition consuming and counting how many proteins, vitamins, mineral, and carbohydrates needed. The best way to do this diet is by consuming food that containing vitamin A, Beta carotene, and anti-oxidant in order to prevent the damage in vision and helps to regenerate damaged cell. Combination of vitamin A and beta carotene called lutein that is very useful to help to keep the healthiness of vision can be found in fresh vegetables and fruits.

Vegetables that contain lutein are carrot, raw spinach, broccoli, and so on. And for the fruits, there are apple, tomato, and oranges. Other ingredient that rich of antioxidant is various kinds of nuts, such as hazelnuts, almond, beans, and so on.  It’s very healthy and much recommended to treat glaucoma.

Other natural way is take natural multivitamins or supplement to help support the diet. You can try the bilberry extract supplement and ginkgo biloba extract supplement which have proved can increase the health of vision. The function of those supplements is to optimal zed the result of the diet on How to treat Glaucoma.

How to treat Glaucoma at Home

One more advantages from natural way on how to treat glaucoma is can be done at home. How to treat glaucoma at home? Here some advices that recommended on how to treat glaucoma that can be done at home. Basically, the treatment is same as treatment in natural way. But in treatment at home, especially for those who after have eye surgery and to keep the health of the vision. One addition ingredient needed is fish oil. Wait, there’s other more. That’s the special eye-drop that contains some ingredients to protect the eyes and keeps the eyes from dust and nourishing the eyes.

That’s how to treat glaucoma. Whether it is using surgery or natural way, it’s your right to choose. But, if I can say, I prefer to combine both of them to get better result. But after all, the diet should not be forgotten in order to always keep us healthy and keeping from unhealthy lifestyle. That’s how to treat glaucoma in simple way.

Sunday 6 January 2013

A Woman's Metabolism

Metabolic Differences
Metabolism refers to all of the energy-requiring chemical reactions occurring inside your body. At any one time, trillions of reactions are going on inside of you, including the growth of new tissue, muscle contraction, and the breakdown of food for energy. The resting metabolic rate—the amount of energy needed during resting conditions—is lower in females because of their smaller body mass and muscle mass. When you run, your metabolic rate increases dramatically because of the increased demand for energy. The faster your metabolic pathways can use the available fuel to regenerate energy for muscle contraction, the faster you will be able to run any race.
While your nervous system controls your body’s faster functions, like the initiation of reflexes and movement, hormones control the slower functions, like the regulation of growth and metabolism and the development of reproductive organs. Much of metabolism is under the direction of hormones, which act as conductors, initiating signals that lead to the transportation and use of fuel. And the two predominant fuels for running are carbohydrate and fat, which provide energy on a sliding scale. At slower speeds, your muscles rely more on fat and less on carbohydrate, and as you increase your running pace, the energy contribution from fat decreases while the energy contribution from carbohydrate increases.

How to get Zero Figure :: Tips :: Diet Chart

Most of the girls have a common and most frequently asked question “How to get Zero Figure“. So today we are here with the answer. Here are some tips to get zero figure and a diet chart to get zero figure. Getting a zero figure is not a tough task, you just need is to be regular, particular and strict about you diet and your exercise. After Kareena Kapoor’s Size Zero figure, this has become a craze in young girls to get a figure like her. They try every possible technique but without a proper schedule, it doesn’t benefit much. So, here we will discuss a systematic scheme to answer your question, “How to get size zero figure“.