Thursday 13 December 2012

12/12/12 ~ How to Interpret Date 12-12-12. Wednesday, December 12, 2012

What is 12/12/12?

Welcome random visitor. Many philosophies believe that you somehow ended up on this page for a reason. It is not known if it is the result of karma, predestination, random chance, fate, a higher power, something else, or for absolutely no reason at all.

Time, space, and doom. What does it all mean? And Day 12/12/xxbirthdays. And, no doubt, there will be a few people getting married on that date.

This page provides a review of the12/12/12 date singularity and of the number twelve; followed by a quick metaphysics experiment. It should be noted that day 12/12/12 will not be the end of the world. That's nine days later... Or not. The prognostication odds on the12/21/12 page keep fluctuating as to what might happen on a global scale on that date.

The meaning of 12 12 12

Birthday 12/12/12. This page is here for folks born on December 12, ie, 12/12/xx, and for folks interested in the date singularity, 12.12.12. This is as the 10/10/10 (600+ comments) page and the 11/11/11(1,000+ comments) page. Although there are doom-related references here, the full doomsday treatment is reserved for the 12/21/12 page.

12.12.12Reference List: Date 12/12/12, Date 121212, Date 12/12/2012, Date 12-12-12, Date 12 12 12, Date 12.12.12. Time 12:12.

12-12-12; Wednesday, December 12, 2012: A Mathematical and Societal Overview of the Number 12

The number 12 is a unique, interesting, and very useful number. The unique usefulness of the number 12 has been recognized by mathematicians, scientists, meta-physicists, and society in general since the beginning of recorded human history.

The usefulness of this number derives from its divisibility. There are relatively few small numbers that can be evenly divided into so many subsets. The number 12 can be evenly divided into halves, thirds, fourths, sixths, and twelfths. Multiples of 12, by definition, retain this divisibility.

The inherent divisibility is the reason that the number 12, and its multiplies, are so intertwined into our society. We use it here, there, and everywhere for our time logistics. We use it here, there, and everywhere for our space logistics.We use it here, there, and everywhere for other stuff as well.

12-12-12); Wednesday, December 12, 2012: Games of Chance


Roulette loves the number 36 (3 x 12). It makes for a nice, long 3-number by 12-number table that lots of players can gather around. And the rampant divisibility of this number enables players to get themselves in trouble in all sorts of ways; particularly so when that pesky zero or zero-zero drops by. Players can bet on groups of 1,2,3,4,6,12, and 18 numbers in a multitude of combinations. There's more, but you get the idea.


As far as the game of dice is concerned, the number 36 ((3 x 12) = (6 x 6)), along with it's inherent attributes, is an integral number. You have 2 cubes with 6 sides each, enabling the existence of 11 numbers via a 6 x 6 matrix of 36 combinations. The integration part comes in where as the probability of any particular combination of dice numbers showing is a direct function of the 6 x 6 matrix.

12/12/12 (aka 12-12-12); Wednesday, December 12, 2012: Time

The 12 Month Calendar

The general consensus is that the Egyptians came up with the first 12 month calendar. The Romans later modified it, but retained the 12 month format. Both cultures abandoned any attempt to match the calendar with the lunar cycle; all emphasis was placed on the solar cycle.

The innate attribute of 12 months being evenly divisible into quarters and halves has been in use ever since. The term “bimonthly“ is used to define both “once-every-two-months” and “twice-a-month”.

There are no worldwide legal or official designations as to when the 4 seasons start and end. Different cultures and locations have their own designations.

The 2 x 12 = 24 Hour Clock

The division of the day into 24 (2*12) increments (hours) has been in existence since the beginning of timekeeping. Followed by the designation of minutes (1/(5*12)) which equals 1/60 which equals 1 minute. Followed by seconds (1/(5*12)) which equals 1/60 which equals 1 second.

12:00 AM versus 12:00 PM

The best way to remember which is which is to think of 12 as 0; i.e. the beginning of the time period, not the ending. Thus, 12:00 AM is 00.00 AM; which is the middle of the night and the beginning of a new day. Conversely, 12:00 PM and 12:01 PM is 00:00 PM and 00:01 PM which is the beginning of the afternoon. 12:00 AM is the start of the new day; 12:00 PM is noon and the start of the afternoon.

12:12:12); Wednesday, December 12, 2012: Space

This is a Tutorial about Latitude and Longitude. If you are not in the mood, you can always return to this section another time.

There are 3 * 12 * 10 = 360 degrees in a circle. This is the basis of our geographic coordinate system. Reference points are defined using latitude and longitude.

Latitude is the 0 to 90 degree angle between the equator and the north/south poles. The equator is latitude 0. The north and south poles are latitude 90 degrees N or 90 degrees S respectively. Latitudinal lines are “horizontal” and parallel to the equator. The latitudinal line “half-way” between the equator and the north/south pole is 45 degrees N or 45 degrees S, depending on which pole is referenced.

Longitude coordinates are the “vertical” lines; they run side side-by-side, but are not parallel due to their convergence at the poles. Longitude 0 is called the Prime Meridian (meridian and longitude are synonyms) and is located in Greenwich (near London), England. Locations to the west of the Prime Meridian (Greenwich) are defined as being in the western hemisphere; locations east of the prime Meridian are in the eastern hemisphere. Longitudinal coordinates are as two half-circles: 0 to 180 degrees W; 0 to 180 degrees E.

By use of the latitude and longitude coordinates every location on Earth has its own unique address.

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